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Crafting Addiction

Hell0 – my name is Nicki and I’m a craftoholic.

I have this NEED to do something!  And crafting fills that need for me.  Start a project, go into the zone.  All the responsibilities of the world slip away.  Become one with the project.  It’s my happy place.  Alcohol or drug addicts try to identify, then avoid situations that will trigger their addiction.  It doesn’t take much to trigger my addiction.  I’ll see something shiny or sparkly or pretty… and think, “I can do that”!  Or “I would do it this way.”

I’ve been a long time fan of Martha.  When she became commercially successful, I think, like me, many other people identified with her right away!  Here’s a lady who can craft, cook, sew, make projects and SHE says it’s okay!  As a matter of fact, “It’s a Good Thing!”  (Martha’s an enabler!)


Sequin Ball

Obviously, for an addict like me, her magazine was a huge source of inspiration, and continues to be!  This holiday season, it was the sequined balls that got me…. and don’t ya know… I just happen to have some styrofoam balls (bought at a garage sale in case the kids needed them for a science project) and a bag full of sequin strings (I think I got these at an estate sale…)  Well, you KNOW I just had to…. I already had the stuff!  Sure, the kitchen had things that  needed to be put away… yes, my bathroom was kind of a mess…. but when you ALREADY have the stuff on hand…. you just HAVE TO!

And look how cute they are!  It’s a quick fun little project, perfect for in front of the TV!  They are going to look great on the Christmas tree – adding that disco ball sparkle to the festiveness!  Once again, I’ve fallen to my addiction… and I’m in no hurry to change my ways…Photobucket