Monthly Archives: September 2012

I Can’t Be Swayed

Last night I was lucky enough to attend the Art Platform at the historic Barker Hanger.

Now I have some new favorite artists and not enough wall space.

Check out Penelope Gottlieb – her ink and acrylic illustrations of gorgeous botanical images with an energized comic book flare.  Digging up a little more dirt on her today I found out that her work is often a statement about the sad state of extinct species and the toll we humans make on our environment.  I love an artist who can suck you in with a graphically beautiful image but keep your attention riveted on the smaller details.

Charles Pfhal is another artist whose work caught my eye.  His piece Shadow is oddly disturbing yet mesmerizing with the gorgeous play of turquoise and deep purple colors that he used in this very large piece.

I was also loving pieces by Yachu Kang – an artist born in Taiwan who redacts the skin and leaves just the clothing.  Her Showtime images are still proactive despite leaving everything to the imagination.

Lately I’ve been inspired by traditional and non-traditional Mandalas so this butterfly piece by Damien Hirst caught my eye.

But I’m really loving the work by Kelly Reemsten who is clearly a girl after my own heart with this piece titled I can’t be Swayed.  Who doesn’t love a girl in a frosting pink frock wielding giant bolt cutters!