Monthly Archives: November 2013

Custom Made Boot Shapers

Here’s something you didn’t know you needed (until now) Boot Forms! Or boot shapers if you prefer.

Every inch of space is utilized in the Lake Balboa Bungalow.  That’s why one of my favorite pieces of furniture is an antique book case that my mom gave me when I was 13 to house a bell collection.  It fits perfectly into a nook in the hallway.  The shoes are happily showcased here, accessible and safe from puppies with a shoe fetish.

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As you can see, there’s little room for boots and I have too many don’t have a closet big enough.  Previously, my boots were hung in the closet with pant hangers.  I tried those expensive boot forms but they slip out of the boot and break easily.  Somewhere I saw boot forms for sale and realized these would be easy to make and a great way to ensure that my boots stay in good form.  They keep the tops of tall boots from slopping over and prevent damage from the pant hangar clips.

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It’s a quick and easy project.  Because boot styles vary and because few people wear my Cinderella size six, it’s better to make custom forms for each individual pair of boots.   If you’re learning to sew – this is a great project!

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Draft the Pattern:
Lay your boots on some cardstock or cardboard.  A cardboard box or unfolded cereal box will do the trick.
Line up the top of the boots with the top edge of the cardstock/cardboard and the front side with the side edge.

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Note: Boot is wrong direction. Line up the straight edge of the boot with the front or straight side.

Trace down the back side to the heel and stop.

On the straight side, mark approximately where your ankle ends.

Remove the boot and sketch a curved line from the ankle to the heel, rounding the edges.  Cut out your pattern.

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Mark your Fabric:
Fold your fabric right sides together.

Trace the pattern onto your fabric – this is the SEWING line.

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DO NOT CUT on this line.  You will cut about 5/8″ OUTSIDE the line.  No need to be precise here – just give yourself enough room –not too close to the sewing line.  You can trim it AFTER you sew.  I use my serger which does both.

Pin in a few pieces to keep it together.

Make the Loop:
Sew a 7” x 3” rectangle piece of fabric into a tube.  (You should have some scraps left) Turn right side out.

Fold in half and pin with the tab inside the two pieces of fabric, matching the raw edges.

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Sew the Boot Form:
Sew along the pattern line, sewing the tab into the top.  Leave a 2 – 3” gap along the straight edge.

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Turn the fabric right side out and stuff with batting (or scrap fabric) .

Finish the boot by sewing the gap closed either by hand stitching or with your machine.

The tabs are handy to attach a standard pant hangar to hang in your closet or simply to grab to remove the boot.

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Have fun making these!  I’d love to see some pictures of yours!

Oh Fudge!

Oh FUDGE – the Holidays are upon us!

It’s official – Halloween is over and it’s time to get ready for the Holidays!

It’s the time of the year when the baked goodies and treats start showing up at parties and the office.

It’s the time it’s finally okay to indulge a little and celebrate!

It’s a time to reflect back on the year and on all the people we love.

And it’s also the time to start panicking as to what the heck you are giving people this year!

Luckily, my friend Carrie Steven’s has made it easier!

She’s just launched her new line of fudge.  You can choose between 6 different flavors and it ships direct, all bundled up in cute packaging!  36 ounces of the best fudge your friends will be thanking you for!

 photo RaspberryChocolateSwirl_vertical_zpsb3f24a11.jpg   photo PeanutButterChocolate_zps4bfdceab.jpg
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Wine Cork Tree for the Holiday Days

 photo WineCorkTree3_zpse3998258.jpgThere is no better way to celebrate the holiday spirit than with a spirited holiday decoration!

Due to popular demand, these wine cork trees are individually hand crafted with approximately 100 corks.

Note the vintners on the corks tree and you’ll see this required downing almost $800 in wine and one bottle of champagne!     You’re welcome!  (actually I had a little help from my friends)

These trees are gorgeous as is or decorated with your own holiday flair!

Please give my Etsy store a visit and let me know what you think!